I wrote this piece here 11 years ago in 2012 - I am now 72…
Canada’s Aboriginal Truth & Reconciliation
The Canadian Truth and Reconciliation is a mirage – not real in terms of its claim to be the way to healing the damage done to the original inhabitants of this land.
The truth and reconciliation of Canada’s Native – First Nations, Aboriginal, Native “Indians” is nothing more than a government FUNDED collusion between a few “already accepted comfortably positioned” red-brown-white “Indians”. Most who need their egos stroked for the greasing of their already eager slippery hands.
The process of the Canadian Truth and Reconciliation process got it start from the South African Truth and Reconciliation. It was purported to heal the damage done through colonization. Damage which is so ugly and deep and utterly embedded. A conditioning which is now so ingrained in so many of us that the majority of us are NEVER GOING TO STOP passing it to others…. and feeding disturbed attitude and belief about “Indians”!
Most of us will get by and still pass on and perpetuate the disturbed lifestyle and the distorted expressions, reactions, interactions which have come from the colonial oppression. We are conditioned with those living skills which have confused, shamed and abused us and our own. There will always be an EVER GROWING CORE of us who have been turned into human doings who are emotionally disturbed.
We can speak of the hurtful, painful and damaging experiences and how they have come out on our lives AND yet, we have already “infected” others who have gone onto to infect others. We all are those stories being told by our other “Indian” people. And the stories are being regurgitated – puked out without a healing end!
the only good feeling will come from the CANADIAN TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION is the one from being in attendance for the pomp and ceremony. There will be no gratification for those who are not in attendance!
Just think about the money spent on the “sacred items” ordered – made and bought for the public ceremonies… items most of us will never see – never mind feel or touch.
The sad hurtful stories have been told time and time again and yet, the real true healing does not come. The emotional intelligence is not reached… so most – probably 95% of us will live in distressed state where we do not deal with our legacy of the effects of the destruction of our family core structure. The ability to deal with our problems with a true balance between our memories, our emotions and our self image and worth.
So much for the real reconciliation from the real truth. The truth of how and why of what was done to us and to what was done to others by us.
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