Keeping Your Promise – StrongHeart
I PROMISE TO LIVE BETTER – I CHOOSE For myself – I have had to say (numerous times) “I will never do…
Spirit Warrior Vision YouTube Channel
My YouTube Channel I share my YouTube Channel videos here to help – to support – to you what I say. I’ve…
Growing Communication in this Great Circle of Life
I wrote this piece here 11 years ago in 2012 – I am now 72 Winters – “I am 61 winters. I have…
Most Recent Posts
Tolerance – the New Dressing of Racism
What can you do? Oh, what can you do when you live in a shoe or moccasin? This is my indigenous rendition of an old saying I heard as a kid. What can you do when you live in a…
MIRACLE – The White Buffalo Calf – Janesville, Wisconsin
White Buffalo Calf – Janesville, Wisconsin – I went to see her – the White Buffalo Calf Woman – and she told me of the Guru Desai at Kripalu. I shared this with my friend – who held the guru…
Idle No More
Idle No More calls on all people to join in a revolution which honors and fulfills Indigenous sovereignty which protects the land and water. Colonization continues through attacks to Indigenous rights and damage to the land and water. We must…
Scenario: Beware of Obsession Disguised as Love
Why some parents follow their children to getting help… Obsession by the parent Looking at WHY some parents follow their adult children into doing healing change methods. Scenario: She is a nurse and is in her early 30s. Her mother…
Suicide – Final Act of a Comedy Man Who Laughed So Much
Someone who you don’t know intimately, but is popular to you and many others – commits SUICIDE. You all feel sad and confused. Reasonably this happens. Yet, when a young person dies suddenly you take it without much consideration –…
More Writings
It was a sunny mid-morning in 1989. I was looking for a new job and I was lost! How could…
The Medicine Wheel is a beautiful symbol of our Native culture. It is a relatively new symbol used by many…
Too often – historically – too many people personally decide that revenge is better than answering / paying / facing…
In that time when we were free to roam pretty well wherever we needed to… for sure was a long,…
I have been in many situations were I came up with reasonable believable justifications (excuses) for hurting another person or…
The Canadian Truth and Reconciliation is a mirage – not real in terms of its claim to be the way…
So when is your help appreciated? When it is given as a hand-up not a hand-out- honorably, humbly, respectfully. It…
Bonds of shame – this is a dramatic statement used to show the deeply gripping power of the internalized self-degrading feelings…