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Tolerance – the New Dressing of Racism

What can you do? Oh, what can you do when you live in a shoe or moccasin? This is my indigenous rendition of an old  saying I heard as a kid. What can you do when you live in a shoe – to me – means that reality is so messed-up – so disturbed and distorted that you do not have the power or inclination (hopeless) to change the way the bad behavior or attitude is dished out or dealt with.

In expressing my view about discrimination, prejudice and racism I face today and which ALL of “my kind” face… I am expressing my reality and hopefully “showing, exposing, the other people’s or person’s reality of racism is “conveniently” messed-up too.

Society – mainstream society – has had to curb out right criminal behavior towards “Indians”…. otherwise face the LAW.

Dealing with intolerance as RACISM has a definite answer… But when the questioning remains skewed – disturbed, distorted – then the answer is rotten – screwed!

There is little hope and very, very little – slim to nothing – chance for real true solution to be reached… and no deep change. No deep consideration for conscientious change will be desired as long as there is no true challenge and confrontation of those who perpetuate intolerance of “those Indians” and of course – the issues involving “Indains” (remember I say INDAINS  BECAUSE WE ARE NOT “INDIANS – never were, and never gonna be”).

Anyhow a lasting resolution could never take place as long as politically correct ignorance is not confronted… where being an intolerant is not mentioned, and is even accepted. Politically correct is being ignorant here and it is not about uneducated. It usually the educated who are more successful at their intolerant acceptable racism.

Intolerance in the racist is aggressive self-centered preservation.  Forever and today, this preservation is about greed to preserve their status quo. They all are insatiable “fear-based” based bullies – especially the educated professional ones who hide their true disturbing beliefs and values. They ONES are very very clever because they are in “proper” positions to influence and manipulate all the issues around the original reasons conditions for racism and racists to exists and remain intolerant.

Racism is really the expression of self loathing or self hatred. The one who behaves with outright racism is really unhappy, fearful and shame-based and a liar to themselves and others. Even to the very people they hate.

It is when a racist is finally caught – challenged, confronted and scared – and they do become afraid… that they hide their true conditioned chosen behavior – which truly has over-ridden their primary / natural impulse. That primary reaction behavior which use to be “pure and innocent”… would be hurt and pain and sad first. And it would still be that if they were not so superbly trained and bolstered by a ruthless gang-like environment – an environment meticulously composed of extreme strategists, who create, entrench and propagate the ideology of the colonialist – which is the root of the RA-CIST!

This ideology is not inbred into a little human being it is embedded! And it takes constant conditioning to keep a racist staunchly set in their “ruthless ways.” They also learn that groups of racists are extremists with little tolerance for “weak minded or wishy-washy skewed moral values” according to their ideology. This ideology can come to be their laws as well… and they have and do.

When the little racist (my demeaning description) is caught – they cower and though afraid of consequences from the “law”, they have more fear of being caught in their own self-hatred or self-doubt or self-diminishing self… that they become “INTOLERANT” of those very people whom they focus their hate – on!

Sitting Bull

Was a holy man

So what happens to the racist… they become intolerant.

And wow! The poor ole “injun” sure gives them good ole wasicu boyz and girlz powerful stuff to feed their intolerance. And they are justified for feeling, thinking and doing life with that race of people that they don’t like… hate even!

The colonialist knew that they needed help when they first came here or to any other new land. They knew not to start killing the new owners right off. They knew that they mustn’t kill the people right away.  The colonialist must first become acclimatized and learn all basics about the features of this new land.
All they could understand about their new found “wards”… that while they were fellow human beings, they still were not as good as they were. The colonialist held deep disturbed self-concepts that they were better and that any new people needed them.
Sure they initially depended on the “natives of the new land” but they sill looked down on them. This allowed them to take advantage of them.
After generations of colonizing around the world – they knew to keep them close – close as brothers and sisters – just so they can exploit them and then kill them… especially when those “natives”  could not be made to be good slaves. If they could be harnessed and sold to make them money… then for sure they were to wiped out too.

And everyone should know by now that “indians” do not make “good” slaves. No nomadic tribal people ever make “good” slaves! We have maintained that we are the Tatonka Oyate – the Buffalo People.

What is your possibility as to checking in on your attitude for real. Also your capacity / power to check that of those around you who you see, hear and feel in this world of “politically correct behavior” today. Would you ask your self – where were you were before and where were they before they were caught – challenged – confronted – before you all became the intolerant one or the intolerable.

This whole issue of healing and positive change really is tied to what is truly lying there… in the hearts and minds of the human doings.

Pilamaya – thank you, Mitakuye Oyasin – we are all related

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