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StrongHearts Society Symbol - Native Tribal

Daily Affirmation – July 17 2024

Faith, Hope, Spirituality – What is it?
 So many times I been asked to or told to have spirit. Or that I have to just think right or follow this certain way or do these certain things. Then I will find or get my spirituality. I can get faith and get hope too. And I was told to find someone to talk to and I would live better.

I was young and full of energy. This kept me able to meeting new people and doing things to keep my mind, body and need to stay “busy” from dysfunctional living. Or even slowing down enough to give a shit. Only till after I finally had enough the shit in my life and losing family and relationships… did I finally admit that I wanted to live less troubled.

It was only way later in my later life that I became able to take steps to take care of my troubled existence. I was in reality an old ADULT child. And I tried. But, I “tried” according to how I was taught. In the to colonized way. Religion – I went to many different religions and guru/new age/ philosophical theoretical organizations to build my mine. I did martial arts since I was 12 years old to learn to disguise my fear, shame and distorted/disturbed beliefs. I also thought, I could become “special” if I learned another culture. Wrong!

In the way I learned to understand how to get help was mostly from books, TV and others. I was led to believe that I just had to listen, to talk with someone and this person would give me good advice. And if I had a good intention that I would get rid of my difficulty to live better.

Being brought up with strong religious influence, I decided that maybe a  religion with a priest, a minister, and another hierarchical leader/clergy. I could be accepted in with them and I would be free of my shit. Wrong again!

I went to talk-counselors, talk-social workers, family violence programs and other contrived methods which supported bullshitting my way out of dealing with my emotional disturbance and my mixed-up belief in spirit. I wanted to build my self with my misconception of religious healing – that some “god” would set me free when I just accepted their messiah or accept their ideology – dogma.  I though for sure “gave in and was healed” – But,  I gave in and joined others – mostly men with a white man at the top!

I just want to share my experience in the rawest way I can… so maybe you can see that you are already whole. You need a support in seeing your self as needing a peaceful place to be quiet, still, to relax and let go of all those who assisted you in becoming an act. You can find another STRONGHEART like you who will knowingly walk with you – sharing truth and honesty – and share and show you emotional capacity to learn to understand yourself and feel your feelings and separate thoughts from emotions. To grow together.

Your quest – your journey to get help – to get more information to help yourself or someone you are or concerned about… is really about YOUR hope and faith. That you already have these and this is spirituality.


And even if – you know don’t need to be considered or looked at as “spiritual” by anyone – past or present – you are still and always will be part of this great circle of life. It is important that each of us feels and knows that you are connected.
You already connected on your journey – your walk to hope and faith and spirituality. I am hear to hear you. I understand BS and I have been conned myself… I don’t try to fool anyone – if you are only reading for curiosity – this is OK. I believe that no matter what we may “act-like” or present your self as – we all are effected or influenced by what we do. What we read. Listen to or who and what we subject our self to. So, I believe that in reading anything that – YOU – want to find out if it “feels OK” that it speaks to help you – educate you – that speaks to your heart and mind… that you control what you let into your mind’s heart and heart’s mind – your inner being/soul. Which ever way you choose to say it. It’s your destiny – your right to be free and be heard as a StrongHeart.
You are already participating in Hope, Faith and all is Spiritual.
I have seen and experienced confusion and disheartening helpers come and go.
Learn to share your self.
And when you finally begin knowingly to trust someone to accompany you – this long process of being “aware” of who you are “in side” – will bring you to your authentic self – your honest self. This is being part of the Great Circle of Life.
I will say that through personal experience that we ALL are born WAKAN – whole and “holy”. No man, No human being gives you this. You are worth every opportunity to be supported. Just grow to a place where you can ask. Ask for help. This is your right – part of human being – this is your spirit. You must have been honored and fulfilled by those who received you and held you as a Wakan being – a baby. Wopida Tanka. Was’te Wicozani

Wakan Tanka – The Great Mystery.
The Great Mystery is not meant as “god”. Creator is referred to as the great mystery.  Wakan Tanka is not defined except that this energy is within everything and is every aspect of life and living.


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